
Warm, rus­tic and mod­ern


A wood­en floor that is rus­tic, has a pleas­ant warmth and is still mod­ern. Plank “Irisa” fits in almost every liv­ing con­cept and can con­vince with their charms. Above all, the bright sur­face with the dark brushed struc­ture, in com­bi­na­tion with the saw marks, makes it look rus­tic and very mod­ern. A final oil­ing gives it a pleas­ant­ly soft sur­face texture.


Wood species







Glue down

Presented Type


Presented Dimension

400 — 2000 x 150 x 14 mm


Mehrschicht Diele

400 – 1200 x 100 x 14

400 – 2000 x 120 x 14

400 – 2000 x 150 x 14

2500 x 285 x 14 — “Plank XXL”

Massive Plank

500 – 1200 x 100 x 16 / 22

500 – 2000 x 120 x 16 / 22

500 – 2000 x 150 x 16 / 22

Herringbone 90° (Right + Left)

Engineered Plank

500 x 100 x 14

600 x 100 x 14

700 x 100 x 14

Massive Plank

500 x 100 x 16 / 22

600 x 100 x 16 / 22

French Chevron 45°

Engineered Plank

390 / 490 / … / 890 x 100 x 14

Massive Plank

360 x 70 x 16

410 x 70 x 22

380 / 480 / … / 880 x 100 x 16 / 22

Hungarian Chevron 60°

Mehrschicht Diele

430 / 530 / … / 930 x 100 x 14

465 x 100 x 14 — “Bavarian Pattern”

Massiv Diele

390 x 70 x 16

440 x 70 x 22

420 / 520 / … / 920 x 100 x 16 / 22

465 x 100 x 16 / 22 — “Bavarian Pattern”


Attention: Depending on the dis­play, col­ors and / or con­trasts can be dis­played dif­fer­ent­ly. Because of the fact that wood is a nat­ur­al prod­uct, the visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tions vis­i­ble in these pic­tures can dif­fer­en­ti­ate from the lat­er real laid wood­en floors by nuances.